Once upon a time a sea reef was inhabited with good people. But the dark times came to their lands. The reef was attacked by sea monsters and those people were exiled. However, they didn't mean to give up.
Help these sea people in defending their reef.
Sekali waktu karang laut yang dihuni dengan orang-orang yang baik. Tapi kali gelap datang ke tanah mereka. karang diserang oleh monster laut dan orang-orang yang diasingkan. Namun, mereka tidak bermaksud untuk menyerah.
Membantu orang-orang laut ini dalam membela karang mereka.
Once upon a time a sea reef was inhabited with good people. But the dark times came to their lands. The reef was attacked by sea monsters and those people were exiled. However, they didn't mean to give up.
Help these sea people in defending their reef.